A 10 – hour – module for Year 1 on US Elections to find out something more about the White House, the President and the American Elections. Integrated skills: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.

Here is the presentation of our project on Beauty.

A quick overview on the Dystopian novel and the concept of Beauty.

This is a short guided analysis of some snippets taken from the novel. Part of our project on Beauty.

This is a project for students in Year 3. We are going to analyse two literary works: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank and Address Unknown by Kressman Taylor. After an introduction to both, you are going to choose which book to deepen through reading and listening to some letters.

These activity sheets are based on the first part of a BBC radio programme about the exchange of fictional letters written by the American Kressman Taylor, 1938. We are going to work on an introduction to this fictional account of the rise of Nazism and on the first two letters, the incipit of the book. Part of our project The Strength of the Pen.

Here is a short and easy video about the graphic novel Anne Frank. Who was she? What was her family like? What was the historical backdrop in those years? An introduction to our project The Strength of the Pen.

Caravaggio and Shakespeare: a possible parallelism? You are going to work on two paintings by Caravaggio and two tragedies by Shakespeare to find common themes in the two artists. Related activities on how to analyse a painting and a dramatic text.

These are the activity sheets to lead you in the project on the two artists. Guided analysis of Saint Francis in Prayer and David and Goliath; Hamlet and Macbeth.

Presentation of the project on the letters from WWI: Italian and English language. Focus on personal accounts and photos on the historical backdrop of the Great War.

Here are the activities for the project we are going to work on during “settimana di potenziamento” in January. Credits to Mrs Fattorini. Thanks for your helpful cooperation, Alessandra!

To highlight the relation between Man and Nature: Romanticism. This project is part of a wider analysis on the topic in Music and Italian Literature. You are going to work on English only.