JKRowling: The benefits of Failure

JKRowling: The benefits of Failure318 DownloadsHave famous people always succeeded in their life? An easy analysis of JKRowling’s commencement speech at Harvard. Download Now!


Daredevils482 DownloadsA ten – hour module on Extreme Sports and Daredevils. Integrated skills on Listening Reading and Writing. Grammar Focus on Present Perfect. Download Now!

Present Perfect

Present Perfect494 DownloadsVideolezione completa sul Present Perfect con esercizi graduali ed integrati nella presentazione. Per l’audio guardare il video qui sotto. Download Now!

Present Perfect vs Simple Past

Present Perfect vs Simple Past397 DownloadsEsercizi sui due tempi verbali. A confronto funzioni e struttura. Breve ripasso anche delle regole del simple past. Download Now!

Present Perfect: marcatori temporali

Present Perfect: marcatori temporali441 DownloadsEsercizi guidati di riconoscimento degli avverbi di tempo usati con il present perfect. Traduzione di alcune frasi. Download Now!

The Natural World

The Natural World392 DownloadsA three – hour module on vocabulary, videos and texts about our wonderful world with grammar workshop on Conditional Sentences. Download Now!

Grammar Workshop: Conditional Sentences

Grammar Workshop: Conditional Sentences384 DownloadsRipasso delle Conditional Sentences attraverso un chiaro schema con funzioni e struttura. Esercizi di consolidamento di Zero e First Type. Download Now!


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